The Intuition Brain Health Study

Help find a cure for Alzheimer's Disease, challenge your body and mind, and get a free Apple Watch!

Most of us over 60 (or even younger) have had a "senior moment" when you can't remember a name or where you left your car keys.

 How do you know if this is "normal" or an early sign of a more serious problem such as dementia or Alzheimer's disease?

The Intuition Brain Health Study uses a free Apple Watch and your own iPhone to help determine what is normal aging and what can be an early warning sign of something more serious.

The study will enroll 23,000 people and lasts about 2 years. Participants do thinking and memory activities and exercise challenges.

Every time you participate, you earn points. When you earn enough points, you can keep the Apple Watch that they provide to you.

Your Apple Watch tracks your activity and sleep habits. What kind of data is collected and how can it be used to detect early warning signs of dementia? Here are 3 of many ways:

STEPS:  Many people count how many steps they take, but how fast you walk is also important. A slowing or uneven walking speed may predict dementia 12 years before a clinical diagnosis.

HEART RATE: Our heart beats slowly when we relax and speeds up when we exercise. But in dementia patients, the rate stays the same. This is another early warning sign of brain disease.

SLEEP: Dementia often makes it difficult to sleep. It is important to catch this problem early because poor sleep makes dementia worse, which affects sleep even more, creating a downward spiral...

These are just a few examples of the Apple  Watch's huge potential to track the early warning signs of dementia. If we can catch symptoms early, we have a much better chance of finding a cure!

The study runs from Sept. 2021 to Dec. 2024. UPDATE: Only applicants between 60-86 are eligible. If you want more information or want to participate, click the link below.