Over 90% of adults over 50 wear glasses or contacts. Here are 4 scientifically proven ways to improve your vision so you may no longer need them.

Eat foods rich in anti-oxidants such as fruits, vegetables and whole-grains. 2-3 servings of fish per week are also important to provide Omega-3 fatty acids.


A study by the National Eye Institute found that taking an eye multi-vitamin such as AREDS2 and Omega-3 fatty acid supplements can reduce age-related macular degeneration by 25%.

Smooth pursuit exercises strengthen the muscles in your eyes that help you focus. Videos of the technique can be found on YouTube.


Resting your eye muscles is also important. Follow the 20-20-20 rule: For every 20 minutes looking at a computer screen or phone, stop and look at something 20 ft. away for 20 seconds.

Shining a red light in your eyes for 3 minutes once a week can improve vision for those over 40. According to Dr. Glen Jeffery, red light therapy will transform eye care around the world.

3. Red Light Therapy

Vuity eye drops are available by prescription. One drop in each eye can improve close-up vision for up to 6 hours, so you don't need glasses to read or do computer work.

4. Vuity Eye Drops

I have tried each of these protocols and I no longer need to wear glasses, but your results may vary. Please see your ophthalmologist or optometrist before trying any of them for yourself.

For more information on how you can improve your eyesight without glasses, click the link below.